Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How digital marketing helps start-ups scale faster

No one can deny the fact that startups need recognition. Startups, being new to the market, need to tell people that they exist. Market primarily consists of potential customers, investors as well as partners. And these are vital for any business. Without marketing, you and your startup is nothing. No one knows you, so they won’t even bother to spare you a glance. Your idea may be unique and outstanding, but without marketing, that idea is completely useless. Being an entrepreneur, you need to know how to sell your products and services. To sell, people need to know about your existence. You need to attract them. To attract customers, you need marketing. Now, there are two primary forms of marketing. First is traditional marketing and the second being, digital marketing. How are you supposed to choose the best way? How are they going to help? The same is discussed below.

Traditional marketing is nothing but the old ways of promoting a company. It can be done via posters and banners. However, in today’s world, traditional marketing seems too old-fashioned. The world today has gone digital. Social media plays a vital role in almost everyone’s life. How often do you check your social media accounts on a daily basis? Two times? 20 times? 200 times? There is no denying the fact that social media indeed has become a crucial part of our life. So, in this digital world, traditional marketing cannot be given more importance than digital marketing. Digital marketing ensures that you attract almost everyone. It is also economically feasible. Now, digital marketing can be done in various ways. Majorly, companies depend on social media. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are flooded with different kind of enterprises trying to promote their products

Digital Marketing agency can be seen as an online version of traditional marketing, nowadays start-ups are Looking forward to building their presence felt online with the help of digital marketing to market themselves in a better way to their target audience as there are so many benefits of implementing it 

Below listed are few among them.

Brand Identity and Awareness:-Earlier it used to take years together to build a brand and for Positioning it successfully in the market and there used to be limited resources to spread information Regarding the brand in the market but now due to the advent of digital marketing and growth in the Information technology, anyone can now get to know any information about a brand in a fraction of Seconds, this has immensely helped start-ups to seamlessly build brand identity and brand awareness Among its target audience.

Market analytics and ROI (Return of Investment): - Startups with the help of digital marketing can now Easily determine return of investment they generate on their investment on various marketing Campaigns and it also helps them to decide on the marketing campaign budgets in order to optimize the Conversion rate and thereby increasing the sales and profit accordingly.

Customer Engagement: -Start-ups can maintain a good rapport with their target audience with the help of digital marketing tools (like email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing. Etc) by constantly keep updating them regarding various events, happenings and Interesting news about their Company and keeping their customers and target audience engaged and also motivating them to keep Sharing them via various social media platforms.

Converting Customers into advisors: - Digital Marketing agency in pune also helps start-ups in converting their loyal Customers to brand advisors and brand evangelists who in turn generate revenue for the company by Advising other customers to start purchasing the company products and services and also by sharing Positive news about the company.

There are several other ways in which a startup can make use of digital marketing for their business Growth, however, they must carefully choose the right set of digital marketing tools based on the Business segment they are serving to, which can help contribute to their business success

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